Released earlier this week, the 'Versions & Remixes' edition of Beat Pharmacy's Wikkid Times.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the original Wikkid Times. It had a few great tracks and although the production was excellent throughout, there were too many in your face spoken-word vocals for my taste.
I'm pleased then, that Deep Space Media have released two new editions of the album.
The first of these releases features dub-remixes from Intrusion, Quantec, Deadbeat and Appleblim together with re-works from producers who are a little more dancefloor orientated including Cocoon's Minilogue and the man of the moment cosmic deep houser John Daly.
The second release, 'Versions', in Burial-mix tradition reduces but doesn't entirely remove the vocals from the tracks. This is the one to go for over the original album, in my opinion.